CT Center for
CranioSacral Therapy

Your Partner in Healing

My job is to facilitate Your ability to heal Yourself.

Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well."

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle manual therapy that can facilitate your body’s self healing mechanisms.

  • The CT Center for CranioSacral Therapy offers CST as a gentle manual approach to facilitate your body's process in healing from physical and emotional dysfunction and trauma.

  • CST supports the structure and function of the central nervous system, thereby assisting in the function of all other systems. 

  • CT Center for CranioSacral Therapy is in an ADA compliant facility and uses an ADA compliant high/low table for ease of maneuverability. There is ample space for caregivers, and mobility devices in the office and in the suite, at large.

  • GI Dysfunction, Gastroparesis, Medial Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (MALS), Dysautonomia POTS, Joint Injury, Pre & Post Surgery, Childbirth, Fascial Restrictions, Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Hypermobility/Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, Tongue Tie, Concussion, Head injuries, Traumatic Brain Injury, Chronic Pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Dysfunction, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Headaches, Falls, Accidents/ MVA, Sports Injuries, Biomechanics/Alignment, Neurological Dysfunction, Chiari Malformation, Tethered Cord Syndrome, Scoliosis, Muscle Weakness, Parkinson’s Disease, Neurological Disorders, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Aging, Arthritis, Range of Motion.

  • Cognitive Thought, Brain Fog, Concentration, Mood, Emotion, Sleep Disorders, Trauma, PTSD, Coordination, Neurological Dysfunction, ADHD, ADD, ASD

  • Sense of Wellbeing, Depression, Anxiety, Connection to Self, Mind-Body Connection

CST Can Help

So Nice to have a relaxing place to give my body a chance to “reset” itself and begin anew.

Do you have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or Joint Hypermobility?
Visit the Manual Therapy Treatment Center for EDS/HSD

Eloise Stager, LMT, CST-D offers integrative manual therapy techniques, primarily CranioSacral Therapy and OsteoFascial Integration, to address the needs of people with genetic connective tissue disorders, specifically, the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) and hypermobility spectrum disorders (HSD), including many of the associated comorbidities. Through these gentle techniques, the tissue is invited to begin a self-reprogramming of healing and homeostasis. Clients have reported improvement in chronic pain, headaches, digestion, dysautonomia, proprioception, reduced subluxations, fascial tone, anxiety, depression and general wellbeing.

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

Gentle. Relaxing. Restorative.

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle manual therapy which focuses on the health of the central nervous system. Life experiences often introduce tension patterns in the body. Most of the time, your body compensates just fine, but sometimes those tension patterns become too much for your body to handle and the result is pain, anxiety, fatigue, musculoskeletal dysfunction and an overall sense of not feeling well or as well as you used to feel. Injuries, surgeries, toxins, medications, infections and accidents can impair normal function. My job is to facilitate your body’s natural and innate desire to heal itself. I am part of your health-care team and together we can find your optimal wellness again.

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

The “OG”

Thanks to the work of Drs. Still, Sutherland and Upledger, CST is practiced around the world. The most renowned school for CranioSacral Therapy, the Upledger Institute International in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, offers training around the world and is involved in research, treatment, and outreach. They have several unique patient programs including dolphin therapy and multi-day clinical intensives while also offering patient services in their clinic.

CST practitioners often include massage therapists, doctors, physical and occupational therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, dentists, speech pathologists, psychologists, counselors, nurses, etc.

To practice professionally in the US, a practitioner must carry a license in a healthcare field with their state's Department of Health and Technique and Diplomate Certifications are available.

Therapists who choose to pursue certification are dedicated to their personal growth and education. Each level certification may take years to complete and requires extensive knowledge in anatomy, osteopathy, neurology, mental health, and ethics.

Watch a video by Tad Wanveer- He’s a Rock Star!

What People Are Saying About Their CranioSacral Therapy Experience

“Feeling What it Feels Like to Be Grounded in My Body.”

“ I have something to surrender. Uncertain right now what it is, but going to stay open -minded to the possibilities.”

“Lovely to just be. Nothing to fix, no problems to solve, just allowing this moment.”

“I came to understand how much pain (emotional & physical) I’m carrying from my childhood. I was also able to feel it & see it come & go out. ”

“ Feeling inspired Today!”

“Restful peace and tranquility, warm awareness and deep release radiating. ”

“ I Can Heal!”

“…As the session expanded, I could feel my body hold in one area and soften in another then an overall peaceful release… ”

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