Eloise Stager, LMT, CST-D, OFI-DI
Background Photo Credit, Dr. Richard Ribisl
Headshopt Photo Credit: Roxbury Photography
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Meet Eloise Stager, LMT, CST-D, OFI-DI
”I Love What I Do!”
Eloise is a Licensed Massage Therapist who specializes in CranioSacral Therapy. She holds a Biology degree from Long Island University (‘93) and is nationally board certified with the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards and is licensed in State of CT as a Massage Therapist and Diplomate certified in CranioSacral Therapy with Upledger Institute International. She considers her clients her teachers and feels honored to be involved in their healing process.
Eloise grew up in northern Fairfield county, CT and returned to the region about 15 years ago with her husband of 30 years, and three children to be closer to her parents and her brother’s family. She transferred her Maryland Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork license to CT and has been in private practice in CT ever since. Cumulatively, she has worked with patients/clients as an advocate, educator or manual therapist for more than 25 years.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) are a family of hereditable connective tissue disorders that affects the production and synthesis of collagen, the primary structural protein, in the body. EDS made a direct landing in Eloise’s life in 2011 and through her experience as a patient, caregiver, parent, advocate, and awareness campaigner, she sees all sides of EDS and how it affects people’s lives. There was a vacuum of information and resources on EDS at the time it was diagnosed in Eloise’s family and in turn, she founded the CT Zebras Ehlers-Danlos & Related CTD’s Support Group in 2014 and is proud of the 1000 member-strong (and counting!) community it has grown into. The Facebook/Meta private group is a resource and camaraderie haven for people in CT and the surrounding states who live with EDS and related connective tissue disorders.
Introducing OsteoFascial Integration
As a bodyworker, Eloise saw the need to educate clients and colleagues on EDS and has refined CranioSacral therapy treatment protocols for those with Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and continues to derive new techniques and adaptations for each of her clients, which she then shares with her colleagues. She launched the OsteoFascial Integration Manual Techniques training program in 2021 which provides training for healthcare and allied health caregivers on EDS/HSD and recently rebranded the program under the Stager Institute for OsteoFascial Integration. The Seminar style 4-day workshop offers 32 CEU’s through NCBTMB.
She founded the Manual Therapy Treatment Center for EDS/HSD in 2020 which provides non-diagnostic evaluation and CST treatment (often much sooner than traditional medicine) for those with EDS and related connective tissue disorders. She has spent years researching, practicing and implementing CranioSacral Therapy techniques to specifically address the unique qualities of people with this connective tissue disorder.
Manual Therapy for those with
Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
Fields of Interest
Scope of Practice
Related Coursework
Eloise developed OsteoFascial Integration, a gentle maual therapy based on her years of experience in CranioSacral Therapy and other osteopathic and manual techniques. OFI was specifically designed to address the unique, and often complex, presentations and needs of people with Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes.
Practitioners may take training in OFI to better understand EDS and how to best honor their clients needs. At the time of development and publication in 2023, OFI is the only manual therapy training program dedicated to the person with EDS in the world (as far as we know). This course is NCBTStudy Group Page.MB approved for continuing education.
If you would like to lean more about how to become trained in OFI, please visit the Study Group Page and scroll down.
Education & Training
Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
Sports Injuries
Concussion / TBI
Neurological Conditions
Rare Disease
Wellness of Mind, Body, & Spirit.
Eloise’s License in massage therapy limits the scope of her practice to soft tissue evaluation and manipulation and does not permit diagnoses, tests, prescriptions, or imaging. However, Eloise may suggest that you follow up with your physician to obtain appropriate diagnostics if she feels it is important and relevant to your wellbeing.
Diplomate Certified CranioSacral Therapist
Licensed Massage Therapist
Reiki II Certified
B.A/ Biology, Long Island University, 1993
Certified Doula (previous), Association of Labor Assistants and Childbirth Educators (ALACE) 1997-2007
Instructor for American Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth (the Bradley Method) 1994-2004
CranioSacral Therapist 2005-Current
Teaching Assistant: Upledger Institute International
Certified Presenter for the Upledger Inststitiute International
Primary Therapist: Comprehensive Therapy Programs (CTP): Upledger Institute International
CranioSacral Therapy Core Coursework: CST1-ADV 2
CranioSacral Therapy for Sensory Integration
Medical Neuroscience, Duke U; Coursera online education
NeuroMeningeal Maniplation/ Barral
CST Touching the Brain/Glial Interface, Upledger/Wanveer
CranioSacral Therapy Working with Chronic Depletion, Upledger/Moya
CranioSacral Therapy and Listening to the Second Brain - The Enteric Nervous System, Upledger/ Kenward
Cranial Lymphatic Balancing/D'Ambrogio
Distance Healing- Healing From the Core, Scurlock
CranioSacral Therapy and the Cranial Nerves, Upledger/Axelrod
Visceral Manipulation 1: The Abdomen/Barral
Visceral Manipulation 2: The Abdomen/BarralSomatoEmotional Release and Mastering the Inner Physician
In Process: Diploma of Osteopathic Manual Therapy, London School of Osteopathy
Certified Techniques Examiner for The Upledger Institute International
Certified Teaching Assistant
Support & Primary Therapist for Upledger International / Integrative Intentions Comprehensive Therapy Programs
Upledger Institute Certified Presenter
Presenter for Beyond the Dura 2019: CranioSacral Therapy for Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes